CakephpLte Loho

Learn-to-Curl Session 1

Individual Signup

When? 9/21/24, 10:00 AM until 9/21/24, 11:00 AM

In this FREE one hour class, you will learn the basics of curling - how to throw a stone, how to sweep, the rules of the game, and the fun lingo of curling.

Bring clean sneakers, wear flexible pants (i.e. athletic wear), warm layers, light gloves, and a hat. We'll provide all the necessary equipment.

Open to all abilities, ages 6+.

How Much? $0.00

Maximum Participants / Teams: 48

Teams Registered for Event

Teams: (0 of 48) Individuals: 20

Count Team ID Players
1 Team-897 Casey Coyle
2 Team-898 Marisa Acosta
3 Team-899 Lori Graf
4 Team-902 Mariah Althaus
5 Team-903 Kurt Klinkmueller
6 Team-959 Kamron Alexander
7 Team-960 Javaun Murray
8 Team-961 William Toombs
9 Team-976 Jake Hinkle
10 Team-991 Colette Cebrian
11 Team-992 Merben Cebrian
12 Team-993 Lauren Lenderman
13 Team-994 Scott Lenderman
14 Team-995 Cindy Lenderman
15 Team-1026 Nicole Robson
16 Team-1029 Mike Wallace
17 Team-1031 Nicholas Fletcher
18 Team-1049 Harold Radenheimer
19 Team-1055 Bridger Terra
20 Team-1065 Thedra Smith

Currently Registered Participants

Teams: (0 of 48) Individuals: 20

Count Team ID Registered Person Email Phone
1 Team-897 Casey Coyle
2 Team-898 Marisa Acosta
3 Team-899 Lori Graf
4 Team-902 Mariah Althaus
5 Team-903 Kurt Klinkmueller
6 Team-959 Kamron Alexander
7 Team-960 Javaun Murray
8 Team-961 William Toombs
9 Team-976 Jake Hinkle
10 Team-991 Colette Cebrian
11 Team-992 Merben Cebrian
12 Team-993 Lauren Lenderman
13 Team-994 Scott Lenderman
14 Team-995 Cindy Lenderman
15 Team-1026 Nicole Robson
16 Team-1029 Mike Wallace
17 Team-1031 Nicholas Fletcher
18 Team-1049 Harold Radenheimer
19 Team-1055 Bridger Terra
20 Team-1065 Thedra Smith