CakephpLte Loho

Learn-to-Curl Session 6

Individual Signup

When? 9/25/24, 6:00 PM until 9/25/24, 8:00 PM

In this FREE two hour class, you will learn the basics of curling - how to throw a stone, how to sweep, the rules of the game, and the fun lingo of curling. You'll get to practice all your new skills and play a short game.

Bring clean sneakers, wear flexible pants (i.e. athletic wear), warm layers, light gloves, and a hat. We'll provide all the necessary equipment.

Open to all abilities, ages 6+.

How Much? $0.00

Maximum Participants / Teams: 24

Teams Registered for Event

Teams: (0 of 24) Individuals: 3

Count Team ID Players
1 Team-956 Nick Virgil
2 Team-989 Jenny March
3 Team-990 Catey Burtness-Adams

Currently Registered Participants

Teams: (0 of 24) Individuals: 3

Count Team ID Registered Person Email Phone
1 Team-956 Nick Virgil
2 Team-989 Jenny March
3 Team-990 Catey Burtness-Adams