CakephpLte Loho

2024 Army/Air Force Spiel

Team Signup

When? 9/28/24, 9:00 AM until 9/28/24, 12:30 PM

It's the showdown of the Army Vs. Air Force. This tradition at the Fairbanks Curling Club will kick off the epic battle between the two armed services. You do not have to be active duty Army or Air Force to play, just pick your side and sign up!


The format for this year's event will be the same as last year.  We will have 6 teams of Army vs 6 teams of Air Force curlers.   The cost will be $25 per person which includes breakfast snacks and lunch.  There will be a “last chance” learn to curl starting at 0800 the morning of the event. 

After the ceremonial coin toss to determine which service has the hammer for the first game, we will play one 4-End game (0930-1030).  Army will have yellow rocks and Air Force will throw red rocks throughout the event.  Each victory counts as a point for your team.

After the first game, one member from each team - as selected by the team - will compete in the skills challenge - a takeout and a draw to the button.  The service that wins the skills challenge gets 2 additional points added to their total.

After the skills challenge, we will return to the ice for a final 4-End game (1100-1200) to determine this year's winning service.



0800-0900 Learn to Curl  (if you have never curled)

0900-0930 Opening ceremony, coin toss for hammer, and team assignments

0930-1030 Teams play a four end game

1030-1100 Skills competition

1100-1200 Teams play a four end game

1200          Awards presentation and lunch


Air Force Teams

Air Force - 1

James Yogi  Taylor Ausbun  Marilyn Overstreet  Daniel Cartin
Air Force - 2 Mark Hill Peter Diagle Jessica Zillinger Jay Doerfler
Air Force - 3        
Air Force - 4        
Air Force - 5        
Air Force - 6        


Army Teams

Army - 1

Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) #1  BOSS #2  BOSS #3  BOSS #4
Army - 2  BOSS #5  BOSS #6  BOSS #7  BOSS #8
Army - 3  BOSS #9  BOSS #10  BOSS #11  BOSS #12
Army - 4  BOSS #13  BOSS #14  BOSS #15  BOSS #16
Army - 5 Evan Bulger Jacob Blauser Nick Moulton  TBD
Army - 6        


The Fort Wainwright BOSS program will support the event with 16 soldiers.  Names to be finalized by 21 September.


How Much? $25.00

Maximum Participants / Teams: 8

Teams Registered for Event

Teams: (3 of 8) Individuals: 0

Count Team ID Players
1 Team-904 James Yogi , Taylor Ausbun , Marilyn Overstreet , Daniel Cartin
2 Team-1027 Mark Hill , Peter Diagle , Jessica Zillinger , Jay Doerfler
3 Team-1057 Evan Bulger , Jacob Blauser , Nick Moulton , Evan Bulger

Currently Registered Participants

Teams: (3 of 8) Individuals: 0

Count Team ID Registered Person Email Phone
1 Team-904 James Yogi 386-299-6929
2 Team-904 Taylor Ausbun
3 Team-904 Marilyn Overstreet
4 Team-904 Daniel Cartin
5 Team-1027 Mark Hill
6 Team-1027 Peter Diagle
7 Team-1027 Jessica Zillinger
8 Team-1027 Jay Doerfler
9 Team-1057 Evan Bulger 443-691-4055
10 Team-1057 Jacob Blauser 850-218-9920
11 Team-1057 Nick Moulton
12 Team-1057 Evan Bulger 443-691-4055